Tuesday, June 9, 2009

One Day at a Time

Not everyone has a mountain of trouble that must be handled on a daily basis, but some of us do. Not everyone wakes up scared and alone with no real sense of direction, but some of us do. Not everyone thinks that life is nothing more than a game of planning and strategy, but some of us do.

The phrase "One Day at a Time" is older than the Late 70's sitcom show, and surely older than the classic gospel tune by the same name. Our lives are full of potential as the future holds many "What-If's" but many times we really need to only focus on the here and now.

John Lennon is quoted as having said, "Life is what happens when you are busy making other plans." A simplification of how reality is. You shouldn't sit around and worry about tomorrow and all the challenges you may have to face, or fail - afraid to even try. You also should not take up a view point that none of this life matters and spend your days doing nothing. And of course, there are a few of us who try to handle way too many of our tomorrows; today.

So maybe you are not sure how you are going to accomplish that ultimate goal you have created. Maybe you cannot see the light at the end of the tunnel. Maybe you believe that the more you can squeeze out of one day the less you have to do tomorrow and the next day.

But one day at a time is as fast as we can go.

Take a moment to appreciate what you have to do today, and who is in your life that matters today, and what things you CAN focus on today that will help you step foward and live each day not just plan for it or watch it pass you by.



Anonymous said...

You already know! Somehow I felt like you were writing this just to me, because you know what I am going through. This helped tremendously this morning and I have a different light. I love our friendship and appreciate you more with each passing day.

Becky said...

Yesterday is history and tomorrow a mystery! Only God (as I perceive him) makes my plans - I only play along.