Monday, June 29, 2009

Leap of Faith

Sometimes you have to do something that in even your own eyes might seem extreme, but you feel led to take that step.

What's stopping you? Is it fear, anxiety, worry, or doubt? These are all human emotions, but we are not just human. We are beings of light and those are not the emotions that we should embrace.

  • God gives us courage: the courage to make decisions and follow through with them to their final outcome.

  • He gives us joy: the joy in knowing that no matter what the circumstances, if He brought us to it, He will bring us through it.

  • He gives us wonder: how exciting to forge a path with the understanding that all things currently unknown will be brought to light according to His will.

So we have the option to hold onto to all we know, trusting in the knowledge that we are not abandoned to chaos nor a mundane existence. We can choose to follow our calling, but sometimes that requires a leap of faith.



Anonymous said...

Some pray for the courage to leap when looking into the abyss of uncertainty. Some of us allow fear to staighten our legs, lock our knees and hang our heads. Some us need to look out into that abyss and see that there nothing there,nothing to stop us from taking that leap. Just have faith.

Anonymous said...

When it comes to the Leap of Faith it is my life long goal to have my feet on the ground less and less. By this I mean, from the very start I want to be already in the air.