Tuesday, June 2, 2009

High Energy

Did you ever notice some people tend to always have a ton of energy? Yeah some of us are a little A.D.D. self diagnosed, but I am referring something else. There are those of us who wake up and have their engine revving on high the rest of the day. Okay, okay sometimes it takes a gallon of coffee but what I mean is once we are up and at 'em-we seem to have extra energy for days & days.

What I dig most about having so much energy is that in my live of work, I need it! I work in a position of high customer service demand so having extra energy helps. When it seems like I cant give anymore, I find a little bit more. Then I go home and it seems like I am wiped out, and I find a little bit more to enjoy my family and help put the kids to bed.

What's that? You dont have that kind of energy?? Maybe you do and you are spending too much of it on non-essentials. Do you worry too much about things you cannot change? Do you try to force people to do things that are not 'in' them to do? Do you find yourself frustrated or angry at situations that are beyond your control? Time to let go of some that control mentality and embrace some groundedness. When you realize that many things are out of your control, you find yourself with more energy for the important things in life.......like singing, and writing, and music, and laughing, and reading,and.....


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So agree with you... : )