Tuesday, June 30, 2009

It's Raining Sunshine

A little rain yesterday and a little this morning that was much needed here in Houston, reminds me of other kinds of rain. Like the rain of blessings on our lives. No matter where we are in our journey, good times, challenging times, or down-right bad times, there are blessings surrounding us.

In good times, let us not take our blessings for granted, let us appreciate and cherish the people that mean so much to us. Let us also be thankful for the situations that provide a smooth ride.

In challenging times, let us be thankful for the opportunity to grow beyond where we are; after-all no one plans on being stagnant. Let us be encouraged by the numerous times we have been blessed in the past to come through difficult times. And let us also look forward to the blessings we will enjoy after we overcome any current hardships.

In those times where we cannot see the end of the tunnel, we surely feel alone and lost, let us find the resolve within our spirit to find the sunshine inside. We do not have to succumb to the darkness of bad times, for they are only temporary. Even if it seems we have been stuck in confinement, sealed away from our joy, deep inside burns the light of love, and hope although it may be difficult to see them through the fog.

Count your blessings and find that most often you cannot reach the end of the list before another one is added.


Monday, June 29, 2009

Leap of Faith

Sometimes you have to do something that in even your own eyes might seem extreme, but you feel led to take that step.

What's stopping you? Is it fear, anxiety, worry, or doubt? These are all human emotions, but we are not just human. We are beings of light and those are not the emotions that we should embrace.

  • God gives us courage: the courage to make decisions and follow through with them to their final outcome.

  • He gives us joy: the joy in knowing that no matter what the circumstances, if He brought us to it, He will bring us through it.

  • He gives us wonder: how exciting to forge a path with the understanding that all things currently unknown will be brought to light according to His will.

So we have the option to hold onto to all we know, trusting in the knowledge that we are not abandoned to chaos nor a mundane existence. We can choose to follow our calling, but sometimes that requires a leap of faith.


Friday, June 26, 2009

Wisdom for the Weekend

Have fun!! ...that is all.


Okay I sincerely considered leaving just that and logging out. Honestly though I do want to encourage all of my visitors and blog followers to get out and enjoy the weekend. Yes I know it is sweltering in the 100's, but we must look on the bright side. At least there has not been a black-out forcing us to remain indoors in the dark with no A/C.

As for me, I will be joining my wife and our family this weekend to celebrate our son's 9th birthday!! My, oh my but don't they grow up so very fast. Anyway, see you all next week.


Thursday, June 25, 2009

Energy Not So Well Spent

Too often we find ourselves exhausted by day's end, or even mid-day and it is not because of over exertion in a physical sense. Many times throughout our day we spend a lot of our soul energy on things that either we cannot change, or might not even be in our realm of influence.

Worry and anxiety are troubling enough on our spirit, but when we add in emotional stress to that mental pressure we send our body, mind, and soul into overdrive.

Imagine how much more relaxed we would be if on a daily basis we shifted that energy to things more productive. Even if we didn't "do" anything the energy, having not spent it on those strains would at the very least give us a satisfying end to the day. We could go home and spend the evening on whatever else our lives are made up of without feeling wiped out so quickly.

I know that things find a way of dropping in our laps, interestingly enough at the worst possible time it seems, but it is in how we handle those things that can make the difference. What can we truly affect in the situation? What details can we influence? When we find that we are in no position to do anything about some challenges set before, we must at that point resolve to pay attention to the next step and it's outcome.

We fill our lives with so many tasks, many of which certainly need our attention, but if we can begin to identify where we are mis-directing our energy, we may find we ourselves less tired and more content, dare I say happy!!


Wednesday, June 24, 2009


That moment just before sunrise....where you know that the long night has passed and a new day has been given to you.

Standing in the first light of dawn, your heart swells with Hope.


Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Darkest Hour

So many times we find ourselves in darkness and struggling to find the light. Even though we are usually good at stepping up and embracing our calling as beings of light, there are times. It is in these times that we struggle to hold onto what we know and who we are. The fear, the blackness of negativity, and the foreboding unknown threaten to extinguish all the light and love that we carry with us. We cry out, "God help me!" as we fall to our knees.

It is then, that the miracle happens. Our darkest hour passes, and the dawn awaits us there.

We finally realize that we were never alone. God and the angels He has called to be at our side have walked with us through it all. Dawn breaks in our understanding and we step back into the light, we strengthen our resolve for the future.

More darkness is always up ahead, but if we can just hold onto what we know to be the truth, we can stand even on our darkest hour.


Monday, June 22, 2009

Sometimes words escape you

Something I wrote this morning:

Sometimes Words Escape You

Sometimes words escape you.
You have so much to say,
but the words are not there.
You open your mouth,
but nothing comes out.
The thoughts swirl in your mind,
but can find no path to be spoken.
Passion burns deep in your soul,
Heart pounding,
Temperature rises,
Take a breath..........

Sometimes words escape you.


Friday, June 19, 2009

Poetic Essence

Some say there is a poet in all of us. To embrace this you may have to look beyond what is commonly understood to be poetry. Not every poem has rhyming words, not every poem is about love or nature, and not every poem makes logical sense at first reading. Sometimes poetry is about expressing your deepest emotions, and when we do that it is most often an imaginative awareness of experience brought through in words.

Aside from poetry, there are of course others forms of written expression. As writers, we sometimes pour our soul onto paper in journals, letters, or stories. In this cyber universe we also find expression through use of blogs, on-line journals, and web publishing.

Why is this so important? In some cases, our words have the power to transform lives. The words themselves inspire, encourage, and entertain not only others but ourselves as well. Perhaps our words are not vitally important to others, but writing down our thoughts can be such a fantastic tool for ourselves. Even if we are just venting, our words can help with healing.

You say you are not a writer? Think again. Remember that no one has to read what you write. If you do decide to share your expressions you may find others enjoy it as much or more than you do. But if you just can't see yourself having others read your thoughts, write for your own benefit.

Express yourself!


Thursday, June 18, 2009

And away she goes...

Please join me in celebrating my wife's new website:


This is where you can follow her journey and the excitement of her first novel!!


Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Light in the Darkness

It is sometimes so very painful to read the headlines or watch the morning news. There is so much crime, death, and destruction; it can truly be heart breaking. But as I read a terrible news story this morning and felt it anger me and shake me to my core, I realized something. "We" are not just spectators.

Did I go too philisophical on you too fast?

We are connected on a higher level to something greater than ourselves, and in that bare an awesome resposibility. When we hear bad news or see injustice, we are called to action. Of course we cannot always be a direct participant in what we discover. Especially since most news stories are out of our physical reach. But what we can do is shine brighter with the love we have inside.

If you can't find yourself with the means or opportunity to go out and help that person you heard about, help someone else. So you read that story about a child's death and it ripped your emotions out of you, pray for the families involved. It sounds so insignificant on the surface, but imagine the energy, love, and effort you display in taking a moment to care. The power behind that shines brighter than we often realize.

It is not easy to walk in light and love when we are surrounded by so much darkness. However, for that reason alone we must shine brighter! How many other people will look at you and see you overcome the darkness? Inspired by your willingness to take a stance and hold your light up high, they will see that all hope is not lost. "They" will find themselves also not just spectators.

In God's love, shine on!


Tuesday, June 16, 2009


It is amazing how much information we pick up through auditory senses. I mean we hear noises, music, nature, television, and of course voices. Most often those voices are in conversation we have with people in our daily lives, but sometimes they are those inner voices.

Inner voices can be our memories, our friends, our enemies, our sub-conscious, our ego, or more excitingly God, the Divine. What can be most difficult at any given time is to shut out all the rest and listen to just the Divine.

We move through our day working, playing, and sometimes struggling to make it to the next one. Always the voices are there. So which do you listen to? Are they helping you?

I have come to understand that sometimes we are listening to a recording of our past. It is one that tells us of our short comings and fills us with doubt. At the the very least it causes us to stumble as we recall past mistakes or barriers, making us unsure of who we are or where we should be heading. It's time to turn off the voices of the past and listen to the voice of God.

Not everyone is good at meditating, but you know what? You don't have to be! Just take a moment to clear your mind. As you hear negativity echoing in your thoughts, know that they are not who you are. What you have gone through in your past is a part of you, but does not define you. Quiet those voices that would confuse you or frustrate you and listen. Listen past the traffic outside, past the rumbling thunder in the distance, and beyond the negative recordings of your past.

Listen. God is talking to you.



Sunday, June 14, 2009

Read any good books lately?

Well get ready for a grand adventure! My wife has completed her first novel and is the process of seeking publishing. Our family is anxiously waiting to see her book get published and hit the bookstore shelves!

Want to know what it is about? and when it will be available?
You can follow her journey on her blog:


Sail on dearest!!


Saturday, June 13, 2009

Making Mistakes

We sometimes get discouraged when we have a set back in life. It can be twice as difficult to bare if was a set back was directly resulting from a mistake we made. Too often, once we realize the mistake, we chastise ourselves. Even if we dont actively beat ourselves up over a bad choice, we still have emotional punishment that we heap upon our own spirit. Guilt, shame, despair and even depression can haunt us as we recall a misplaced word or action.

We need to learn how to accept mistakes as part of our journey. We most often don't make bad choices maliciously or in a conscious effot to cause someone else harm. We are taught that concept at a young age but we forget its impact. A child should not only be scolded for bad behavior but taught why they are being disciplined and how to avoid making the same choice in the future. The negative emotion of getting into trouble is temporary but the lesson is hopefully taken to heart.

As we become adults, we too must understand that those feelings we struggle with (like guilt and shame) associated with mistakes are also not permanent. Why not try to learn from our mistakes? It is from our mistakes we can truly learn to grow. Much like moving through a tunnel, we must pass through the darkness to exit into the light.

So begin to see mistakes as your classroom.


Tuesday, June 9, 2009

One Day at a Time

Not everyone has a mountain of trouble that must be handled on a daily basis, but some of us do. Not everyone wakes up scared and alone with no real sense of direction, but some of us do. Not everyone thinks that life is nothing more than a game of planning and strategy, but some of us do.

The phrase "One Day at a Time" is older than the Late 70's sitcom show, and surely older than the classic gospel tune by the same name. Our lives are full of potential as the future holds many "What-If's" but many times we really need to only focus on the here and now.

John Lennon is quoted as having said, "Life is what happens when you are busy making other plans." A simplification of how reality is. You shouldn't sit around and worry about tomorrow and all the challenges you may have to face, or fail - afraid to even try. You also should not take up a view point that none of this life matters and spend your days doing nothing. And of course, there are a few of us who try to handle way too many of our tomorrows; today.

So maybe you are not sure how you are going to accomplish that ultimate goal you have created. Maybe you cannot see the light at the end of the tunnel. Maybe you believe that the more you can squeeze out of one day the less you have to do tomorrow and the next day.

But one day at a time is as fast as we can go.

Take a moment to appreciate what you have to do today, and who is in your life that matters today, and what things you CAN focus on today that will help you step foward and live each day not just plan for it or watch it pass you by.


Sunday, June 7, 2009

No Pain, No Gain!

Not just an exercise mantra anymore.

This phrase can also describe the journey to health, well being, and happiness. Certainly not for everyone, but many of you reading this already understand what I am talking about.

Ever do any serious soul searching? You know that difficult, gotta dig deep, and clean out your closet type soul searching? If you have, chances are you had to face some unpleasent issues or concerns from your past. The pain is this case is emotional. Things we should have done, paths we should have chosen, opportunities we past up. Our own internal issues, like self-righteousness, fears, and unrealistic expectations of life also sting us with more difficulties than we are often willing to admit. Crying, screaming, frustration, and anger are often experienced when we struggle with an issue from our past that was not fully resolved. The gain is usually priceless. Some peace of mind, possible final resolution, but if nothing else you are likely to find a new perspective and take a step towards healing.

Another occasion in which I find people achieving real gain through some uncomfortable pain, is in cutting ties with negative relationships. That old boyfriend that you know you want to get rid of? That woman who calls you every week (sometimes every day) even though you have made no promise of connection? People you have been angry with years? Yeah, these can all be negative and painful especially the longer you hang on to them. So where is the gain? In letting go. The process of letting these people go and getting them out of your life is a difficult challenge to say the least. As unfair as it seems, more pain in tackling these relationships can result in huge gains. Freedom waits on the other side. The gain of a lighter heart, more restful sleep, less anxiety about the phone ringing, most definitely beneficial.

I can hear some of you now saying, "But I don't want to do that painful work." I can appreciate that, still the pain of assessing ourselves, considering our futures, and deciding to make some worthy changes, will bring immeasurable gain, a true benefit of doing the hard work.

What will you gain??


Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Ready to Fly?

Sometimes the universe provides synergy that is simply breath-taking!!

I was recently explaining to a friend how things in my life are coming to a powerful convergence. A time where changes are on the horizon. I have been here before, seeing a time of challenge where it seemed to be like rushing toward a perilous cliff. In the past when I have been in this position, I would turn and run. "Let me out of here!" when what i was really saying was..."I'm afraid."

However, this time the difference is I am ready to face this challenge with no fear. As I explained this to my friend I used the cliff analogy and told him that not only was I un-afraid of falling off the edge of the cliff, I was in fact ready to dive off because this time I know that I will fly.

Not three hours later another friend of mine was telling me that it seems like things are about to change on a grand scale and he compared the situation to an eagle who stirs the nest to prepare her young for flight. Wow! A perfectly unsolicited analogy mirroring my own...about time to fly.

It reminds me of an anonymous quote I read:

"Courage is not the absence of fear; it is the conquest of it"

Do you have the courage to fly?


Tuesday, June 2, 2009

High Energy

Did you ever notice some people tend to always have a ton of energy? Yeah some of us are a little A.D.D. self diagnosed, but I am referring something else. There are those of us who wake up and have their engine revving on high the rest of the day. Okay, okay sometimes it takes a gallon of coffee but what I mean is once we are up and at 'em-we seem to have extra energy for days & days.

What I dig most about having so much energy is that in my live of work, I need it! I work in a position of high customer service demand so having extra energy helps. When it seems like I cant give anymore, I find a little bit more. Then I go home and it seems like I am wiped out, and I find a little bit more to enjoy my family and help put the kids to bed.

What's that? You dont have that kind of energy?? Maybe you do and you are spending too much of it on non-essentials. Do you worry too much about things you cannot change? Do you try to force people to do things that are not 'in' them to do? Do you find yourself frustrated or angry at situations that are beyond your control? Time to let go of some that control mentality and embrace some groundedness. When you realize that many things are out of your control, you find yourself with more energy for the important things in life.......like singing, and writing, and music, and laughing, and reading,and.....


Monday, June 1, 2009

Manic Monday

Aside from being a fairly cool song from The Bangles (incidentially written by his Purple Majesty- Prince!!!), it describes Mondays for a lot of us. It's a little bit unpreparedness from the weekend, a little bit everyone trying to do things at once to start the week off. Those of us who have to report to work early on Mondays sometimes think we are the victims of some cruel joke. Traffic, time crunch, too many people, and a quickly filling IN box can certainly be overwhelming.

You know what? It's not that bad. It just seems that way. If you think about it, with a little preparedness and an attitude re-alignment Mondays would be a lot less hectic.

Something to think about.