Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Light in the Darkness

It is sometimes so very painful to read the headlines or watch the morning news. There is so much crime, death, and destruction; it can truly be heart breaking. But as I read a terrible news story this morning and felt it anger me and shake me to my core, I realized something. "We" are not just spectators.

Did I go too philisophical on you too fast?

We are connected on a higher level to something greater than ourselves, and in that bare an awesome resposibility. When we hear bad news or see injustice, we are called to action. Of course we cannot always be a direct participant in what we discover. Especially since most news stories are out of our physical reach. But what we can do is shine brighter with the love we have inside.

If you can't find yourself with the means or opportunity to go out and help that person you heard about, help someone else. So you read that story about a child's death and it ripped your emotions out of you, pray for the families involved. It sounds so insignificant on the surface, but imagine the energy, love, and effort you display in taking a moment to care. The power behind that shines brighter than we often realize.

It is not easy to walk in light and love when we are surrounded by so much darkness. However, for that reason alone we must shine brighter! How many other people will look at you and see you overcome the darkness? Inspired by your willingness to take a stance and hold your light up high, they will see that all hope is not lost. "They" will find themselves also not just spectators.

In God's love, shine on!


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