Sunday, June 7, 2009

No Pain, No Gain!

Not just an exercise mantra anymore.

This phrase can also describe the journey to health, well being, and happiness. Certainly not for everyone, but many of you reading this already understand what I am talking about.

Ever do any serious soul searching? You know that difficult, gotta dig deep, and clean out your closet type soul searching? If you have, chances are you had to face some unpleasent issues or concerns from your past. The pain is this case is emotional. Things we should have done, paths we should have chosen, opportunities we past up. Our own internal issues, like self-righteousness, fears, and unrealistic expectations of life also sting us with more difficulties than we are often willing to admit. Crying, screaming, frustration, and anger are often experienced when we struggle with an issue from our past that was not fully resolved. The gain is usually priceless. Some peace of mind, possible final resolution, but if nothing else you are likely to find a new perspective and take a step towards healing.

Another occasion in which I find people achieving real gain through some uncomfortable pain, is in cutting ties with negative relationships. That old boyfriend that you know you want to get rid of? That woman who calls you every week (sometimes every day) even though you have made no promise of connection? People you have been angry with years? Yeah, these can all be negative and painful especially the longer you hang on to them. So where is the gain? In letting go. The process of letting these people go and getting them out of your life is a difficult challenge to say the least. As unfair as it seems, more pain in tackling these relationships can result in huge gains. Freedom waits on the other side. The gain of a lighter heart, more restful sleep, less anxiety about the phone ringing, most definitely beneficial.

I can hear some of you now saying, "But I don't want to do that painful work." I can appreciate that, still the pain of assessing ourselves, considering our futures, and deciding to make some worthy changes, will bring immeasurable gain, a true benefit of doing the hard work.

What will you gain??



Becky said...

Isn't that Step 4?? A "fearless and searching moral inventory?"

Hopegiver said...

The key word in that phrase being "fearless".


Anonymous said...

Fabulous writing as usual. I am so proud of this journey you are taking and this road you have chosen. You are gifted and you need to share. Thank you for your gifts.