Monday, June 1, 2009

Manic Monday

Aside from being a fairly cool song from The Bangles (incidentially written by his Purple Majesty- Prince!!!), it describes Mondays for a lot of us. It's a little bit unpreparedness from the weekend, a little bit everyone trying to do things at once to start the week off. Those of us who have to report to work early on Mondays sometimes think we are the victims of some cruel joke. Traffic, time crunch, too many people, and a quickly filling IN box can certainly be overwhelming.

You know what? It's not that bad. It just seems that way. If you think about it, with a little preparedness and an attitude re-alignment Mondays would be a lot less hectic.

Something to think about.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are so awesomely positive and Brillant!!