Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Room to Grow

"I am not young enough to know everything" - Oscar Wilde

This year I turned 40....whoa!...*Pause*....seeing it in writing kinds opens your eyes...
Anyway, I am also the father of three children. These two bits of information do not necessarily make me feel old, but most certainly lends to a state of mind called "older".

With older usually comes wiser. Interestingly enough though, I don't accept that blindly. You see I know that I don't know all the things I want to know. I am thankful for all the wisdom I have accumulated and have been blessed to share.

There is so much more wisdom to be gained and shared. I am excited to continue moving forward and accepting my role as teacher and counselor even as I learn and grow.



Anonymous said...

In a letter I wrote to Father this morning, one of the things that I thanked him for was spiritual growth. There are a number of areas that we can grow in spiritually. But specifically I was referring to "receiving" from the Holy Spirit the courage to "see" my life as He sees it and accepting what He has supernaturally allowed me to "see." This means making no excuses,and no denying of what you are "seeing." Just accepting what you "see" and continuing to grow from there.

P. Rico said...

Acknowledging that you don't know everything is a sign of a wise person. I think you're one the right track. :)