Thursday, July 30, 2009



Tears roll down my face,
My heart breaks,

Everything is wrong.
No one understands.
Lost and alone.

Friends say "Hold on."
Family says "Be strong."
God says, "You are loved!"

Everything is in divine
and perfect order
according to His will.

Tears roll down my face,
My heart swells,


This is something I wrote awhile back when I was struggling to find my way. I know that many times we find ourselves feeling so very lost. The world doesn't seem to make sense, things seem to be in chaos, and we feel hopeless. At these times we must remember that God brings people into our lives that will serve His will and His purpose. That friend that calls you out of the blue, that person in your family who always seems to know when you are down, these are not coincidences.

To those in need I say reach out and find that God has put people in your life to help and support you even when you least expect it. To those whom God is speaking to, directing you to reach out, follow His voice and you may just end up being someones lifeline when they need you most.



Anonymous said...

You Have Been My Lifeline Many Times And I Hope Ive Been Yours. God Is Always There To Love And Direct Us As Long As We Let HIM drive!

Anonymous said...

Simply Beautiful. I can relate to that someone calling you out of the blue when you are feeling low. I was literally crying to God to make things better. Everything was going wrong, and no one had understanding. But the phone rang--someone called to take my mind off the situation and left me with words of hope.