Friday, August 14, 2009

Great Mornings!

How do you start your day?

Is it that much anticipated first cup of coffee? A morning jog? Maybe you kick off your day with a full breakfast. Perhaps the best start to your day could be prayer. You can still have that cup of joe or that morning run, but before even those things prayer can set the tone for your entire day.

Consider what is written in (Psalm 5:3);

"In the morning, O Lord, you hear my voice;
in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation."

God is always available to listen but we sometimes get too busy to talk to Him. In the morning before all the hustle and bustle, take a few moments to pray. Talking to God in prayer reminds us that we have direct access to Him and we can ask for guidance and support. Even if you have no requests to lay before Him and all is well with your life, be thankful. Our blessings flow more abundantly the closer our relationship to God.

So when you wake up in the morning, and begin to think about what your day may bring, spend a few moments talking to God and find a great start to every morning!



GodsGirl said...

"In the morning, O Lord, you hear my voice;
in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation."

I like the sound of this verse. The words bring comfort. The author is confident that the Lord has heard and will answer in time.

The matter is settled in the writer's heart.

Anonymous said...

This is true. Even though I practice buddhism I believe that its always a good thing to say thanks and that may just make your day a whole lot better.

Fenix said...

Thank you so much for this blog. I loved it and it really spoke to me! thanks for sharing

Anonymous said...

GOD gave you "the gift" and I am so proud of you shining in "HIS" light with your sweet words of inspiration.