Wednesday, May 5, 2010

What Job?

Okay, the job with the county didn't work out. Without going into details, let's just say that it was a bad fit. Luckily the United States government came to my rescue. I am now working for the US Census Bureau as an Enumerator. I am walking the blocks of my neighborhood to follow up on those addresses that did not respond to the census questionnaire.

Since I am a people person, I am enjoying this job alot. I get to meet & talk to a lot of interesting people and collect important data at the same time. Yes it is hot out there, and yes there are a quirky few folks out there as well, but for the most part I like the assignment.

Hopefully the next update will be another vlog (video log for all you less tech savvy visitors) entry. I really enjoyed doing that last time.

Come back and see me,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, well I am proud of your decision to recognize that it "wasn't" your calling. That takes courage, I admire you for that.