Monday, November 2, 2009

Tunnel Light

The light at the end of the tunnel is sometimes very hard to get to. We know it is there even if we can't see it. Sometimes it appears only as a pinpoint of light in the distance, still we know that we will get there if we can only keep moving forward. We have in other tunnels before, this is just another challenge we must overcome. But what happens when we get so tired, the light seems to be farther away than when we started? We've been walking, sometimes running for a long time. We collapse to our knees and exhaustion seems to squeeze the last bit of hope from us. How do we go on?

God's mercy, love and grace is sufficient to carry us to our destination time and again. We may not always acknowledge His part in our victories, but He is truly the only way we can overcome. In times past we relied on our bravery, intelligence, perseverance and charm to reach our goals. Where did those things come from? We are blessed with courageous hearts, wisdom to figure out where the next step should be, and strength of soul and character through God's abundance!

So if you find yourself slumped against the wall of a particularly long and dark tunnel, your energy sapped, eyelids heavy under a weary burden, look up. Look to our Father in Heaven and call on Him. He will comfort you in your time of need, send you just what you need to keep moving. Help may arrive in the form of a friend who comes to lend a helping hand. In your bed you may find a deep rest as God's spirit settles over you, waking in the morning to a brighter day.

Difficult challenges are a part of living in this world, but what a joy to realize that we are not alone. Sometimes the light is not only at the end of the tunnel, but right there inside you. God's love lighting the way. No matter how hard things may seem at any given time, God is there for you, just let him know that you need Him.

"Where can I go from Your Spirit?
Or where can I flee from Your presence?
If I ascend into heaven, You are there;
If I make my bed in the depths, behold, You are there.
If I take the wings of the morning,
And dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea,
Even there Your hand shall lead me,
And Your right hand shall hold me."
- (Psalm 139: 7-10)

Glory to God,
Rev. Clyde Johnson

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Absolutely God Driven And God Centered. I Found Great Comfort As Your Words God Sent You Flowed Through My Body. I Feel Hope And Whole. I Dearly Love Your Venture And Calling My Beloved Friend. Thank You. Your Sister In Christ. Vb