Thursday, July 9, 2009

How are you living?

They say life is short, so who would want this brief time on the planet to be filled only with stress and negativity? Since life is fleeting, we should try to live it with integrity, respect, love, and fun.

We live in integrity when we say what we mean and mean what we say. Yes I realize that sounds like Horton the elephant from the Dr. Suess stories, but you know what? Those stories were often spot on about doing the right thing. By definition integrity is consistently acting from a set of core values, beliefs and principles. The old saying goes “A man is as good as his word”. There was a time when you could give your word and it was enough to seal a deal. Now to agree on matters we have to have papers drawn up with our lawyers office…in triplicate!

We exhibit respect best when we actively listen to others. I think it is one of the highest forms of respect is to listen to someone when they are speaking to you. This means not just hearing the words, but also considering the content and weighing the meaning as it relates to the speaker & the situation. Sometimes you dont even have to reply, just the look in your eyes tells the speaker you are really listening.

Love is certainly one of the hardest words to define. Webster and company ended up with no less than 28 seperate meanings. The basic definition I am referring to right now is deep affection. Sharing deep affection with someone generates more love to be shared. I believe that when you allow love in and give love back it grows on both sides. So we definitely want to live this life with lots of love to share.

As for fun, I don't think I need to explain that much. Have fun more often and enjoy some of the things that make you smile and laugh. Writing, Games, Reading, Music, Shopping, Dancing,....I know you get the idea.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I want to know more about that which you refer to as "deep affection." I like the term. I even like the way it comes bubbling up from the gut. Deep Affection sounds strong, and sure of itself. The two words can definitely stand alone. The word love sounds different. The "l" gently slides off the tongue. You don't really hear it when YOU say it, and to the listener--it sounds creamy and mushy, and googley-eyed. My very first boyfriend is named Darrell Tyler and to this day---I still "lll-ove" him.