Friday, July 24, 2009

Count it all Joy

Today's post is inspired directly by Holy scripture.

  • "My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience." (James 1 : 2-3)

It seems difficult to be in a challenging moment of your life and count it as joy. Moreover nearly impossible to be happy about many stressful, sad, or downright aggravating situations. Let's examine those moments as little closer. How many times has it truly been a benefit to whine and complain about a struggle? In the end we still have to go through it and when we come out on the other side we are physically exhausted and emotionally drained . The mere relief at the end is often the only reward.

Now consider what happens when we do take a moment to reflect on the opportunity of a challenge versus fretting over it. We know if we trust in God, he will bring us through our difficulties. We know that if even if we don't understand the process, it is part of a divine plan. Wouldn't it be better to come through a difficult time in our life and say we knew it would be alright? Through our increased patience we understand that God was with us the whole time and we are meant to learn and grow from our trials.

So stand in your adversity and know that God is working in your life. Smile and testify that God is great and rejoice in the knowledge that you are a living example of faith.

Count is all Joy!



Anonymous said...

You know I forgot all about this very powerful scripture. My spirit leaped when I read it. I need to remember to cound it all joy when I move back to a 1 bedroom apt. next month so that I can return to school, and surely count it all joy as we once more become creative with Ramen Noodles...

Anonymous said...

As always, this is the message I needed to hear today. You know me so well, and even if we don't talk for awhile it seems that our divine spirit of friendship continues to send messages of inspiration through the wires. I appreciate you Hopegiver, you help so many, and deserve so much!