Monday, March 28, 2011

Taking Another Look

There were a book of meditations back in 1996 or so titled "Don't Sweat The Small Stuff...and it's all small stuff" written by Dr. Richard Carlson. For many of us, it just needed to be pointed out that we spend too much time being bothered by the details of everyday life and not enough time appreciating the important things.

Dr. Carlson was not the first person to bring this concept to our attention, and most likely will not be the last. However, it was timely for a whole generation of Generation X'ers who, in their mid 20's, had not put career above all else and for the most part went about unfocused at the expense of their health, relationships, and economic stability.

I was one of those people, and the idea of slowing down to focus on anything was alien and unlikely. Thankfully, there were books like this one and people in my life influential enough to help me re-evaluate my place. I made a lot better decisions in my life once I took time to understand what really mattered and how important it was to not let others affect me unhealthily.

When this kind of life changing outlook occurs, it is easy to take it for granted that one time is enough. Perhaps, like me, you need to take a new look at your circumstances and consider how much of the anxiety and headaches are due to you absorbing only the negativity. How much attention are giving the small stuff? Take time to embrace the most important details in your life and focus on what matters most. A fresh perspective may help you realize that many of the things you have been worrying about really do not add up to much at all.


1 comment:

Deborah said...

you know, I just happened to sit back and think about these things in the past few days. I saw that what brought me down really didnt measure up tot he stuff that kept me up but I allowed the negative a lot more weight. Thanks for your post.