Friday, January 22, 2010

Rest Stop

Like walking through a series of tunnels I found myself wandering a bit in recent months. I ran into a space which seemed to be a dead-end. I had been searching the walls sure there was an exit I couldn't see. Day after day I insisted on looking for the way forward. I would look around at the walls and see no exit. I would press and feel for a trick opening, but none was found.

I realized what the problem was. It is not a dead-end, it is a resting place. Sometimes we are so busy running at full speed that we miss alot. Not only so we fail to smell the roses, we are going so fast that we didn't even know there were any kind of flowers nearby at all! What I have been perceiving as a ending, has actually been a beginning.

Before I could see my way out of the passage, I had to sit down and rest. Take it all in and prepare for the next part of my journey. There is peace here, I do not thirst, I do not hunger. Now that I am resting, I find myself inspired to create. Faithful readers have no doubt noticed that I recently completed a book. I am now working on two others...Yes 2! The inspirational one I am just about finished with and a children's book.

I am grateful that I have stopped looking for the way forward and have embraced that where I am supposed to be for now is right where I am.



Fenix said...

I love it, I never thought about it this way.

Anonymous said...

You wrote those sometime back, its time to start anew, time to not look back anymore, write NEW STUFF, forgot the old....start fresh, open up your NEW's time to close the OLD.