Thursday, August 13, 2009

Thoughts into Actions

When you say you can or you can't, you are right!

At its root, the concept is pretty simple, your thoughts become words and your words become behavior. It happens spontaneously in most cases, you think about doing something and then you do it. However there is another component to be reviewed here. You see many times we don't realize how much time we spend on certain thoughts. So because we are not paying attention to the thoughts, our behavior just kind of happens and we find ourselves on automatic pilot.

This can be challenging if your thoughts are scattered or sunk in negativity. You can't think clearly, and positive thoughts escape you. Your behaviors are then scattered as well. You find yourself doing things out of habit that do nothing good for you, sometimes even hurting you.

Now imagine you are focused and concentrating on good things for your life like compassion, laughter and loved ones. Your actions will reflect those thoughts in kind. You'll discover yourself putting others' needs before your own. You'll see good behaviors flow as second nature. You might even find yourself willing and able to rise above adversity you previously thought insurmountable.

So keep your thoughts focused on what God has blessed you with and it will be apparent in your actions.


1 comment:

GodsGirl said...

I purposed in my heart this morning during early morning prayer to think on the positive rather than the negative. The past week's negative thoughts had overwhelmed me; all the "What If Questions"....

This week I realized that negative thoughts can end up being a link chain--one and then another and then another. I have been thinking negative thoughts on "automatic pilot."

I will try making a positive link chain of thoughts--choosing to think on things that are lovely, pure,and of a good report.